
Milestone 1
Milestone 1 is the census, cataloguing and digitisation of Maximus the Greek’s work. Approximately 400 works related to the name of Maximus the Greek have been inventoried, with approximately 35% of these remaining unpublished. Parallel and complementary inventories of basic manuscripts and control manuscripts were prepared. An inventory of the translations of Maximus the Greek’s works into modern European languages and a bibliography of studies were compiled. The total number of translations inventoried is 262 texts in 6 languages. For published works, reference editions were identified and found. For translations, almost all translations into Russian and a number of translations into other languages were identified and found. For the editions, the digital format and the TEI encoding model were created. All the works (texts and apparatus) have been coded, for a total of 243 encodings. The verification phase of the encodings is now underway. For the translations, all the reference editions have been found, the texts have been digitised and processed in txt format and are now being manually checked and corrected. The development of the TEI encoding model for translations is in the start-up phase.

Milestone 2
Milestone 2 is the mapping of Maximus the Greek’s work. The research and cataloguing of references to personalities who lived in humanistic Italy, and to places that were centres of culture in humanistic Italy, was set up and conducted. The search for mentions and/or quotations of auctoritates known to humanistic authors, and for literary sources of/shared by humanistic authors has been set up and is in progress. Research work has been set up and started on the concepts of humanistic culture, the 14th-15th century religious debate, and the intercultural and interconfessional debate. Work is currently underway on a selection of representative works, on the basis of which the main contexts of use of the terms of interest have been collected and inventoried, and the parameters for their description have been established. Biblical quotations reported in the reference editions have been recorded, verified and, where necessary and possible, corrected. Quotations missing from the reference editions were also identified and recorded. Where missing, the distinction between verbatim quotation and reminiscence was introduced where necessary and possible. Finally, the work of mapping the biblical quotations was set up by establishing the corpus of control versions.

For any information please write to: maximhum@fileli.unipi.it

Università di Pisa

Francesca Romoli

Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica
Via Santa Maria, 36
56126 Pisa (IT)

Università Gabriele d’Annunzio - Chieti-Pescara

Maria Chiara Ferro

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne
Viale Pindaro 42
65127 Pescara (IT)

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Alberto Alberti

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne
Via Cartoleria, 5
40124 Bologna (IT)

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